Sulahai: Die schönsten Muschelspiele aus der Südsee 1973

Land van oorsprong:
Beschikbare talen:
aankoop Stichting SP&L+vzwVlSpA


Bron: Spellenlab
info BGG:

4 different Games:

1st Sulahai:
4 participants - 30 - 60 min everyone gets 4 small seashells and 12 tiny bamboo sticks; goal: collect as many sticks as possible within a given time.
A Each player selects 4 different winning numbers (out from 16), two players with odd and two with even numbers
B Who comes first proposes a number (='open' seashells) and uses all 16 seashells as dice; if predicted number is achieved you collect bamboo sticks from all the opponents, with a flop you have to pay sticks to everyone; the one whose number was proposed collects or pays the double amount;
C If prediction fails the one whose number was proposed is next in line

2nd Dittar-Pradesh:
Goal: get as many sticks as possible
unlimited participants - all the bamboo sticks, 16 seashells
A each player adds an mutually agreed number of sticks into the jackpot;
B try to estimate the accurate number of roll witht 16 seashells;
C if you win you get the pot, if several persons win pot is splitted; if everybody looses jackpot will increase.

3rd Bamboo and Cowrie:
2,4 or 6 participants (form two parties), 48 sticks, 6 seashells
Goal: Get all of the sticks
Use six seashells as a die: depending on the result you or your party may get or pay sticks
Aantal spelers 2-6 spelers
Speelduur 16' tot 45'
Leeftijdscategorie Vanaf 9 à 12j
Sulahai: Die schönsten Muschelspiele aus der Südsee